Sunday 9 November 2014

My journey to Isagenix

OMG, I can't believe it's been way past a year since I wrote that last post obviously I wasn't ready enough, because I am still in the same boat as I was the last time lol.

Anyway I have decided to give something a go!! Isagenix. I first heard about this product in March of this year and of course I was a sceptic, even though I had heard about others who have been successful with their Weight Loss journey's I was still very sceptical, because it costs quite a bit of money and the consultant at first was trying to sell the business side to me which I wasn't interested in at all.

So I let it simmer for a while, I started noticing other people I knew taking up the Isagenix challenge and decided to enquire about it again and that didn't quite work out either. That was purely because of me, as I knew that if I was going to spend that much money I needed to be able to commit to it and invest a lot of time in energy into making this work and I still wasn't settled, my husband and I have decided to relocate to Australia, so a lot of out time and energy was going into making sure he would have enough money to set us up over there.

In the meantime many of my relatives and friends have taken up the Isagenix challenge and the majority of them seem to be doing really well.

Now after six months of ignoring Isagenix, I find myself settled and practically single for a few months, the reality was that the money wasn't really the issue it was 'time', so Saturday just gone I ordered my lot of Isagenix, a 30 Day System.

It consists of;

I have also landed myself in a living situation where one of my flatmates is a Isagenix Consultant and the rest of our household are keen to be living and moving towards a healthy lifestyle.

I feel like I am exactly where I am suppose to be at this point in time of my life!!!

So at the moment all I am doing is waiting for Kit to arrive and once it's here, the journey begins. My Goal at this point is be below 100kgs by the time I turn 30.

Monday 4 February 2013

My journey begins here

The Year is 2013
My name is Margaret-Rose
I am Māori , I am 27, I am married.
I weigh in at 175kgs,
my hips 156cms,
my waist 127 cms,
my bust 145 cms,
I am a size 24 -26 (NZ)
 4XL – 5XL, depending on the brand.

Despite what society tells me how I should be feeling about these measurements, I am genuinely happy at the size I am, I feel sexy in my own skin, I love my muffin tops and handles, my legs, my chunky knees, I love how clothes look on me. I love being me, sure there are things to complain about, but my size and weight is no longer one of them. For a long time I wasn't happy and many a time I have tried to loose the weight, but it always seems to come back 3 times as much, as soon as I have fallen off the wagon.

Sure there are things I wish could be better, every girl at every size does, because that is what life and today’s society (as modern as it is) encourages. But I am over feeling sorry for my fat self, I love being me and this I find is what has been making me happy lately, plus all the options we have these days to look fabulously fashionable.

Last year I decided I had enough of putting myself through horrible diets, gruelling exercise regimes and guilt-ridden weight-loss programs. I was always feeling depressed and yes guilty about eating something that was not on the right food list. I sure as hell am not going to live my life that way.

I know people may think that is a huge COP-OUT, but to be quite honest I do not care what you think! I am not going to spend 365 days a year, every year feeling guilty and hating myself, that certainly is not healthy for me.

My New Years resolution was slightly different to what I had planned for it to be last year. In December, I sat down with one of my workmates to talk about loosing weight this year, we talked about a whole lot of different options and what we both agreed upon was that we weren’t going to deprive ourselves of things we wanted to do and eat. Yes I want to meet with my workmates every Thursday evening to have a drink or three, so the consensus was;

That is all it was really, but I think we all have a tendency to think that simple changes like these above just don’t work, I truly believe now that I won’t ever loose weight if I go on another damn diet, I am the happiest I have been in a very long time, I don’t want to spoil it.

Yes, there are some people who probably think I’m crazy, I know that being this size is not great for me health wise, this is the only concern for me, I want to be around for a long time, I want to have heaps of children, I want to walk on my maunga (mountains) again, I want to strutt around in a bikini one day, even if it’s a plus size one, but I need to learn to love myself so much, that it’s absolutely impossible to hate myself, which is the only time I believe I can start making changes to my lifestyle and make a difference to my health status.

This is the journey I am referring to, thankfully my sisters have jumped on board with me this year, they both are so much more disciplined then I and I haven’t really explained my whole philosophy to them yet, all I have said to one of my sisters so far is if it takes me a whole year to loose 20kgs, then it takes a whole year. Slowly but surely is the sign of a lifestyle change are my thoughts. All I know is that I want to be happy and excited about doing it, not pressured.

My journey home. It starts here.............................